Aims of the program
Improve and maintain vineyard quality
- Safeguard sap flows and improve vinestock viability
- Increase the amount of living wood
- Reduce the impact of vine wood diseases by adapting the type of pruning
Increase employee competency
- Justify your techniques
- Improve your practices
- Lead and manage a pruning & priming team
Promote recruitment
- Single pruning diploma, based on the principle of sap flows
- Validation of competencies during the many hours of practical training on actual pruning jobs
Program delivered in partnership with

Teaching staff
University teaching staff, INRA researchers and professionals working in the sector (Simonit & Sirch Master Vine Pruners).
The contributors are specialists in their field of research and/or intervention.
Organizational structure of the training
Program structure and duration
120 hours over a 4-week period (17 days)
Theoretical training (1/3) and practical pruning operations (2/3)
Assessment of knowledge:
Continuous assessments and final examination
Schedule for 2017/2018
Knowing the vine
- Basic principles of vine anatomy and physiology
- Basic principles of plant pathology
Understanding pruning
- Pruning principles that safeguard sap flows
- Different pruning methods
- Organization of pruning jobs
Performance of pruning
- Pruning methods and practices
- Equipment maintenance methods
- Quality assessment methods
- Management methods for pruning and priming-related activities
Methods of assessment of knowledge of the DUTE
Eligibility conditions
Open to anyone over 18 years of age
Application schedule for 2017/2018
- Server activation and downloading of application forms: from May 2 to June 15, 2017
- Deadline date for receipt of applications (as evidenced by postmark): June 23, 2017
- Application file-based selection board: June 28, 2017
- Final admission decision: July 2, 2017
Applications must be submitted online via the University of Bordeaux : click here
The selection process focuses on the applicants' professional or personal plans and their competency development needs
Follow the program in blocks of competencies
The program can be followed in three non-consecutive blocks of competencies:
Block 1 - Elementary level:
Reasons for pruning vines (Principles and methods)
Block 2 - Intermediate level:
How to prune vines (Practical experience)
Block 3 - Expert level:
Managing vine pruning (Organization of jobs and management of staff)
Cost of the training
The ISVV Continuing Vocational Training Department can assist you with your applications to funding bodies.
Depending on your status, funding may be available through:
- OPCA (approved collection bodies for funding of vocational training): Fafsea, Vivea, Opcalim
- Contractual measures relating to employment
- Individual funding
- Professionalization period
- Corporate training plan
- Congés Individuel de Formation (Fongecif - Individual Training Leave)