Oenology Research Unit, EA 4577, USC 1366 INRA

The Oenology Research Unit adopts a long, historical and targeted approach to research involving the acquisition of fundamental knowledge and the development of expertise and innovations for the wine industry. Its central theme consists of the production of activities capable of contributing to the preservation and enhancement of wine quality. Situated at the ISVV, the Oenology Research Unit is attached to the Life Sciences and Health (SVS) Department of the University of Bordeaux, the CEPIA Department of INRA and Bordeaux INP.

The Groupe d’Etude de Substances Végétales à Activité Biologique (Research Group on Plant Substances with Biological Activity), based at the ISVV, joined the Research Unit in January 2016. The newly formed unit brings together over 80 people (researchers and research and teaching staff, engineers, technicians, doctoral and post-doctoral candidates). It consists of a single team in order to promote inter-disciplinary interactions, and its activities are organized into three main areas:

Wine Quality and Identity

The aim is to carry out activities designed to characterize, preserve and enhance the organoleptic component of wine. The identity dimension emphasizes the benefits of improving the characterization of molecular determinants, aromas, taste components and phenolic compounds associated with the originality and complexity of the organoleptic expression of wine. It also involves analyzing the physico-chemical, biochemical and microbiological processes (in collaboration with the Microorganisms team) which contribute to the creation of compounds that have an organoleptic impact on the fruit, during the vinification or aging processes, and developing innovative processes that allow for the preservation of these qualitative components at a time when the wine sector is seeking to reduce the use of chemical inputs.

Microorganisms (diversity, metabolisms and selection)

The scientific aims are to understand the diversity of species of oenological interest, identify the mechanisms of microbial interactions to develop a better understanding of the evolution of communities, identify the molecular mechanisms involved in the environmental adaptation of strains in order to exert greater control over spoilage strains and select those of interest (interaction with the Wine Quality and Identity research areas).

Molecules of Biological Interest (MIB), formerly EA Gesvab

The activities carried out in this area seek to develop research on the characterization of vine and wine polyphenols, especially stilbenes that have biological properties.

Examples of collaborations

Within the Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin
UMR INRA 1287 EGFV, UMR INRA 1065 SAVE, UE Viticole Grande Ferrade

On the Bordeaux site
INRIA-LaBRI, University of Bordeaux
ISM Institut des Sciences Moléculaires UMR 5255 CNRS University of Bordeaux
Labex TRAIL Plateforms

In Human and Social Science

At the National and international level
INRA Colmar, UMR INRA SPO (Montpellier), Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation (CSGA) University of Bourgogne, University of Metz, UMR GMPA AgroParisTech, Geisenheim Institute (Germany), AWRI (Adelaide), University of Stellenbosch (South Africa), University of Lincoln (New Zealand), University of Davis (California), University of Tarragona (Spain), Ecole de Changins (Switzerland), University of Porto, University of Lisbon, Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux (CIVB), Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne (CIVC), Bureau National Interprofessionnel du Cognac (Cognac), Institut Français du Vin (Centres in Bordeaux and Nantes), Institut Français des Productions Cidricoles (Rennes).

Three transfer units, Microflora, Amaranth Process and Polyphenols Biotech are attached to the Oenology Research Unit in order to benefit from its expertise and competencies associated with the demands of the socio-professional world.


Director : Pr. Philippe Darriet
Assistant Director: Pr. Patrick Lucas
Pr. Tristan Richard

Tel. : +33 (0) - Fax : +33 (0) 
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Unité de recherche Œnologie, EA 4577, USC 1366 INRA
210 chemin de Leysotte - CS50008
33882 Villenave d'Ornon, France