IRDAP - EA - Institute of Research in Business and Heritage Law
Research areas:
IRDAP covers a broad field of study representing a significant portion of Private Law. This is illustrated by the fact that seven research focuses are referenced: Contract Law, Heritage Law, corporate structures, corporate and individual taxation, Vine & Wine Law, intellectual knowledge and creations, Insurance Law.
- Contract Law
- Heritage Law
- Corporate structure and activities
- Corporate and individual taxation
- Intellectual knowledge and creations
- Insurance Law
- Vine & Wine Law.
Vine & Wine Law covers all legal topics relating to the wine market, from the production of wine to its final consumption.
This topic, with its close links to the landscape and local economy, is a key issue for IRDAP which sees it as a way to forge a wide variety of interdisciplinary links and establish itself firmly in a highly diverse professional environment.
Interdisciplinarity is facilitated by IRDAP's integration into the ISVV (Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin) – a research center covering all of the University of Bordeaux's (15) winemaking research, training and technology transfer research units (biology, oenology, human science, etc.).
IRDAP's teaching and research staff are pioneering the development of the "legal, cultural and economic dimensions of the wine industry" (one of the ISVV's missions) and as such, contribute to publications and colloquia in partnership with the University of Bordeaux's other research units.
Members of IRDAP participate regularly in "Vine & Wine" research activities: Jean-Marc Bahans, Alexandre Bienvenu, Ronan Raffray, Bernard Saintourens