OENOBIO Summer School is a dense program of study (13 continuous full days), which brings together students and professors/teachers staff from 5 Europeans higher education institutions. This program will be held in Geisenheim (Germany) from 15th to 27th July 2019.
The first Summer School OENOBIO (Erasmus +) started this Monday, July 15th!
La qualité et les caractéristiques organoleptiques du vin dépendent très largement des conditions climatiques, en particulier pendant la maturation du raisin.
On Monday, June 24th, representatives of the BAG Alliance - Bordeaux, Adelaide, Geisenheim - gathered for the annual General Assembly which brought together about thirty international researchers.
A new Summer School will be offered in Geiseinheim (Germany) from 9 to 13 September: "Preparing for the future - Climate Change Research Methods".
Après un millésime 2017 traumatisant, en raison du gel, la nature allait-elle offrir en 2018 des conditions plus sereines aux viticulteurs bordelais ?
On January 30, the IVES association's general meeting was held, which manages international publications in Open Acess, including the journal OenoOne.